Girls on the Run of Montgomery Country is hosting their second annual benefit FilmFest and is seeking short films that follow the themes of girlhood, coming of age, youth development, and importance of girls in sports. Films should be suitable for an audience ages 13+ and preference will be given to films less than 30 minutes. Filmmakers would need to sign a one-time public performance license which gives Girls on the Run of Montgomery County permission to use your film to raise funds. Filmmakers are welcome to also submit a 1-2 minute video submission (or come in-person to speak) discussing why they chose to highlight these themes in their short film.
Girls on the Run is a national non-profit organization that is an evidence-based after-school program focused on building social, emotional, and physical skills through running and dynamic discussions. While Girls on the Run is a national non-profit, our yearly FilmFest specifically raises money for the scholarship fund of the Montgomery County, Maryland branch.
If interested, please e-mail Compensation for short film usage can be negotiated but please be aware that funds are limited.
FilmFest in on February 27, 2025.
Deadline for submission is January 31, 2025.